Please read carefully before submitting your funding request.
All requests must meet at least one of the categories.
As part of Hendrick Health’s commitment to the community, we offer opportunities for various agencies and organizations to request funding for causes that are consistent with the Hendrick Health's organizational goals for community initiatives.
The mission of the Community Initiatives Allocations Committee is to respond to community requests through an efficient and intentional process that will provide funds to effectively:
The committee prefers to fund:
The Community Initiatives Allocations Committee, comprised of Hendrick employees, meets the third Monday of each month to review requests, all of which are subject to approval and availability of funding.
Applications must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the date that confirmation of approval is needed. Failure to do so may impact future requests.
Requestors will be asked to submit an annual report to the Allocations Committee regarding use of approved funds.