For patients scheduled for surgery, you will be scheduled for a pre-admission visit prior to your surgery. Our admission and nursing staff will meet with you in the Jones Building Admissions Department at 1924 Pine. At this visit, the pre-admission process, testing and teaching will be completed.
A nurse will teach you about your procedure and review the results of your tests. If there is any abnormality, the nurse will notify your physician and, if needed, contact you. You may have one or more of the following tests: blood tests, EKG and X-ray. Other tests may be done and will be explained to you at that time.
All paperwork and financial preparation will be done during pre-admission testing. Please make sure you or your physician have pre-certified your stay or procedure with your insurance company, as this is your responsibility. If you need further financial assistance, we will refer you to a financial counselor.
Consents and permits: we will witness that you understand what your physician will be doing during your procedure or surgery. If you have questions, please ask. If we cannot clarify, we will call the physician. Your permit will include a permit for blood or blood products.