Hendrick Primary Stroke Centers are composed of multidisciplinary teams of experts, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, emergency medicine, internists, cardiologists, rehabilitative specialists, and a nursing staff specializing in stroke. Our experts are ready to respond anytime, day or night.
The most important factor is to seek immediate medical care. Once stroke occurs, the goal is to lessen the potentially debilitating effects, prevent further damage to the brain and reduce the medical and physical complications following a stroke. For every minute that passes, millions of brain cells die.
The team provides treatment during the critical acute state of stroke – the first few hours after the onset of symptoms.
The Joint Commission, in conjunction with The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, recently recognized Hendrick Medical Center with certification as a Primary Stroke Center. Achievement of Primary Stroke Center Certification signifies an organization’s dedication to fostering better outcomes for patients. Hendrick Medical Center’s Primary Stroke Center Certification has demonstrated that its program meets critical elements of performance to achieve long-term success in improving outcomes for stroke patients.
Hendrick Medical Center and Hendrick Medical Center South are certified Primary Stroke Centers. A Joint Commission expert reviewed Hendrick’s compliance with the requirements for The Joint Commission’s Disease-Specific Care Certification program, as well as primary stroke center requirements, such as collecting Joint Commission core measure data and using it for performance improvement activities.
Sources: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2010 Update, published by the American Heart Association.