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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for me to come to the hospital to give birth?

Our hospital is the safest place to give birth. Extensive precautions are taken with every patient to prevent the spread of infection. Our staff is trained to prevent infection, as well as to be able to provide the labor support and guidance you need during your birth. In addition, we are prepared to respond to any complications that may occur during labor and birth for both healthy women and those that have higher-risk pregnancies.

Will I be able to have a support person with me during labor?

For the health and safety of all, we have restricted non-essential visitors. Laboring moms/new moms may still have one birth partner (aka your visitor) while you are in the hospital with us. It will need to be the same visitor the whole time you are with us. This is to prevent the number of people in and out of the rooms and exposure. For the safety of mom and baby, a support person may not be COVID-19 positive. All visitors are screened daily, and if any visitor screens POSITIVE for respiratory illness, he or she will not be allowed to enter the hospital. Therefore, if your birth partner has had known exposure to a lab-confirmed COVID-19 patient and/or is showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, please find another birth partner to join you on this journey.

I have other children – can they come to the hospital?

Children are not allowed in the hospital at this time. It is important for you to make safe childcare plans for your children, as well as backup plans in case the person you had planned to watch your children gets sick.

If I am scheduled for an elective induction and have a fever, can I still have my baby?

Contact your healthcare provider for guidance. Your safety is our top priority.

How will my birth experience be different if I have tested positive for COVID-19?

If you are (or potentially could be) COVID-19 positive when you deliver, our facility will implement the latest CDC guidance to ensure you and your baby are safe. Know that the hospital is still the safest place for you to deliver your baby.

Are childbirth education classes available? How will I know what to do in labor if I haven’t attended a class?

Yes, in-person childbirth classes are available. For more information visit the Patient & Family Support page. For immediate education needs, download our BirthPlaceEDU app (Yomingo). Register at

Additional resources that you may find useful in preparing for your delivery include:

Do I have to wear a mask?

All patients and visitors are asked to wear a mask when staff members are in the room. We realize it is difficult to wear a mask during pushing efforts and delivery. All staff wear a surgical mask and goggles while providing care to you. During second stage labor (pushing) and delivery staff wears an N95 mask and goggles.

Will I be tested for COVID-19?

Hendrick Medical Center has implemented universal COVID-19 testing by PCR (nasal swab) for all obstetric patients admitted for delivery. Patients who are scheduled for an induction of labor or a cesarean section are scheduled and contacted by their obstetric provider. Patients are given the details regarding when and where testing is completed. Patients admitted for delivery without a pending COVID-19 test will be tested in the Labor & Delivery unit.

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