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School of Radiography

Our History

The school began enrolling students in 1953 and consisted of on-the-job training for one year with little didactic work involved. The 21-month program includes more than 450 hours of didactic instruction and more than 1,500 hours of clinical experience. Classes begin in summer and fall. Class sizes are limited.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our community and region with radiography graduates who professionally deliver high quality health services with competence, excellence and compassion.

We welcome for admission all qualified applicants regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability.

Accreditation Status

Hendrick Medical Center School of Radiography is accredited by:
Joint Review Committee On Education In Radiologic Technology
20 N. Wacker Drive Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
Phone: 312-704-5300
Fax: 312-704-5304

Current length of accreditation award is 8 years. The next review is tentatively scheduled for the first quarter of 2031. The JRCERT is the only agency recognized by the United States Department of Education for the accreditation of traditional and distance delivery educational programs in radiography.