Patients will present to their designated surgical center admissions area the date of scheduled surgery for admission.
When you get to the pre-op area, a nurse will verify the information on the nursing history and perform a physical assessment. You will be asked to empty your bladder and put on a hospital gown. You may have an IV started in your room. However, this may wait until you get to surgery. Your family will be sent to the surgical waiting room. Surgery and Recovery Room will call to inform your family about your condition. Please tell your family to let the nurses in pre-op know where they will be should they leave the surgical waiting room.
When you are ready for surgery, you will be taken to the "holding" area of the surgical suite. The anesthesiologist will visit with you about your anesthesia. Please inform him/her of any problems you've had with anesthesia. At least one hour prior to your surgery, the surgical staff will discuss information given at PAT time, start an IV and perform a skin prep and other procedures required before surgery. The staff will be wearing caps, masks and gowns. The operating room has bright lights, much equipment and is very cold. Sticky pads will be attached to you to monitor your heart rate and rhythm.
After your surgery, you will be taken to the Recovery Room to wake up from your anesthesia, where specially-trained nurses will monitor you. If you have general anesthesia, you will have a tube in your airway to assure you can breathe. Usually by the time you wake up, it will already be removed. Because of this, you may have some soreness in your throat. When you feel cold and shaky, ask the nurse for warm blankets. If you feel pain, tell the nurse. Usually, you will be able to take pain medication. We want you to be as comfortable as possible.
You can do things to speed your recovery. You will need to turn every one to two hours. You must take at least five deep breaths every one to two hours. This will help prevent pneumonia and improve circulation. Use a pillow or folded sheet to support your incision when you breathe deeply, cough, laugh or move.
You will need to walk as soon as you are allowed. Walking promotes circulation and normal body functioning, especially your bowels and bladder. Your physician will give you fluids and food as soon as you can tolerate them or when he/she feels you are ready.
If you are an outpatient, you may go home the afternoon of your surgery. Please make sure someone will be here to drive you home. Sometimes the physician may feel you need to stay overnight. If you do stay overnight, your hospital room number will be assigned while you are in the recovery area. You will then be moved to your hospital room at the appropriate time. Before you leave the hospital, you will be told about your:
Hendrick is committed to keeping you informed during your loved one’s time in the hospital. To protect patient privacy, each surgery patient is assigned a patient ID number. Use this number and the colors of the key below to follow your loved one through each stage of the surgical process. For your convenience, the tracking system is viewable on monitors in waiting areas and the Archway Café., or by tuning in to the TVs located in patients’ rooms.
To view the tracking system online, go to ehendrick.org/track or scan the QR code on the patient tracker card or on the tracking screens with your smartphone’s camera to open the website on your phone’s web browser.
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PACU I (Recovery) |
Pre-Op |
PACU II (Recovery) |
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